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Research Affiliate, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford University. Member of Wolfson College, Oxford

Thursday 4 August 2011

The Earth's Future, Reincarnation and Population Reductions

I've been reading with great interest Bruce Moen's Voyages into the Afterlife series, based on his experiences of non-physical states of consciousness using a bi-aural sound technique known as 'hemi-sync' developed by The Monroe Institute in Virginia, USA. There are many parallels between Moen's accounts of what Monroe calls 'Focus Levels' and Theosophist and other descriptions of the various planes of existence, their inhabitants, characteristics and general appearance. There are also many parallels with the accounts given in Cynthia Sandys' Awakening Letters and other writings, and not infrequently links to various items in New Scientist. So, here are some of the passages and themes that caught my attention.

In Volume 3, Charting Unknown Territory (p.97ff), Moen is on an'Exploration 27 Program' at TMI. The object of the programme is for participants to visit different parts of this focus level or non-physical plane and bring back information that remains in their consciousness. Such data usually requires mediumship, a NDE or OBE if it is to reach the consciousness of those still in a physical body. One of the exercises of the Exploration 27 program involves a visit to the Coordinating Intelligences Centre. One of the tasks of those working there is to coordinate collisions in time - but not necessarily space - and to understand their consequence for Earth life systems in terms of probable outcomes. Objects in space appear to Moen as points of light with spiral lines coming out of them at cross-over points. One of the examples Moen is shown is a comet of frozen gasses and water that passes very close to the Earth without actually colliding with it. Apparently its existence is already known but information has not yet been released to the general public. The spiral lines indicate that it will not signal the end of the Earth but there is a bend or deflection in the Earth's line, and they are studying and trying to influence possible outcomes.When prompted to ask about the next steps in Earth's evolution, Moen is told that there is: 'In general, an accelerated pace of individuals graduating in preparation for great reductions in physical life experience opportunities. Many individuals are accelerating toward graduation by moving through, or experiencing, collapse of the ecosystem because of greed". At the Planning Center Moen is again prompted by the tape to ask a question about the Big Plan for the Earth. The answer chimes with some of the future life scenarios recorded by clients of Brian Weiss during hypnotic regression sessions. The Earth's near future involves preparation for large population reductions which will reduce human impact on the ecosystem. "There's been a steady buildup of too many time/event line crossings, which is driving toward ecosystem collapse". The primary cause is, apparently, "indulgence in the emotional energy of greed" - consumption of the Earth's resources not for direct use but for the accumulation of wealth, coupled with a growing human population. This is of course a theme well within human consciousness, from deep ecologists who see the Earth throwing off its profligate humans, to anti-capitalism and anti-globalisation protesters and religious teachers preaching moderation and cooperation rather than individualism and greed. One of the tasks of the Planning Center, Moen is told, is to prepare support for the huge volume of people "trying to finish out their ELS (Earth Life System) degrees". The Earth-school analogy is one that also recurs in many sources - the Earth as a training centre, life as a series of lessons to learn and exams to pass. Not necessarily a comfortable analogy for those who do not wish to relive their school-days, but perhaps close enough, if life really is intended as a series of challenges and opportunities for human/spiritual growth.

One of the implications of a relatively rapid (or perhaps sudden and seemingly catastrophic) reduction in the human population is that after the population reductions "there will be far fewer people living on Earth, so the total number of births worldwide will drop to an extremely low number. It will take Earth's population a very long-time to build back up, causing a long-term shortage of available incarnations. " The reductions are described as coming from a great many forces coming together, and many intelligent beings are said to be working to mitigate the ecosystem situation. When Moen comments that it sounds remarkably like mass murder, he is reminded that everybody dies and it is just a matter of timing, and that "everyone who decided to enter physical world lifetimes during this time frame made an informed decision. No one who decided to live on the Earth during these population reductions entered without full knowledge of this situation." [cf. Robert Schwartz on pre-birth planning].

Moen is then concerned at the number of people likely to come over unprepared who could get stuck in 'Focus 23' (those who don't realise they have died who try to continue with their physical life - ghosts - people who do not believe in life-after-death who are unable to move on without help, and so on). With fewer people on Earth there would be fewer people who know how to help those who get stuck by 'retrieving' them (cf. the rescue circles that became popular during the First and Second World Wars and religions dedicated to retrievals, such as the Vale do Amancecer).

Much of the work of the Planning Center, Moen is told, "involves bringing awareness of the Afterlife into physical world reality". Those participating in TMI programme and others are spreading the knowledge that "what comes after death isn't an unknowable secret". I have to admit a strong resonance when reading this. After all, this is precisely my own push to explore these areas, individually and through collaboration with others in ARC (the Afterlife Research Centre). I'm sure it is no coincidence that there is such an upsurge of interest in and serious exploration of the Afterlife from many different angles and disciplines, popular and academic, at present.

At another point Moen is told that the near future of Earth will involve the alignment of the Earth Core Crystal - a giant crystal formed from the heavy metals that coalesced in the centre of the earth when it was still in its molten state of formation - with a distant planet. Power points on Earth are, apparently, often linked to the remains of crystalline structures that once pointed to magnetic north, but were left out of alignment when the Earth's axis shifted. This new alignment will signal an opportunity or window for those on Earth for new forms of consciousness, although Moen could not determine whether this was going to be a process that lasted minutes or hours, weeks, months, or years. He was also told that one of the signals or time-line crossovers (I don't have the passage in front of me) involved the birth of a human baby. Moen was brought up as a Christian, as I am myself, and it is hard at this point, assuming one has followed the story so far, not to see this as a relatively long process, perhaps nearing its culmination, starting with the Incarnation - a new fusion of love into the world. Unconditional love is the reason, the motive, the start and end point of all existence, we are told, and in Cynthia Sandy's writings many of her discarnate communicators talk about the power of Christ energy. I think it was Welesley Tudor Pole who wrote about the birth of Christ as a way of giving humanity a kick start - a boost of energy to accelerate the lessons of unconditional love. Cynthia Sandys was also told that she and most of her family and friends would not reincarnate, they have finished their Earth lessons and graduated, as it were. I am a recent convert to the concept of reincarnation - the weight of evidence points, in my view - to its likelihood, but having accepted that I have probably had many past lives I also had a strong sense that I wouldn't come back - or didn't want to come back - to Earth (a feeling Oliver says he shares). Weiss's  clients who describe a future life in the not too distant future invariably talk of a much more peaceful earth with a very much smaller population. It is not the Lord of the Flies scenario or complete social disintegration sometime imagined by novelists and film-makers - although who knows that might also be a phase - but something gentler and wiser. We might have been here before of course, whether at the time of populations reductions remembered as the Biblical flood, Lemuria or Atlantis. I'd love to know from those who apparently remember future lives just what is recalled of this last human population reduction and how it is recorded in myths, archaeology and religious texts, and what if anything they managed to learn from and change in our wonderful but seemingly suicidal human nature.

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